From the 18th to the 24th of October 2021 a group of 24 young leaders and youth workers united in Leiria (Portugal) to debate what is this thing of being an adult and how can they help youth in this process.
The training had the main goal to collect ideas and experiences from the participants in order to better develop our Education Kit and MOOC. With their contributions our outputs are more in line with youth and educational providers.
During these days, participants had the opportunity to enroll and co create non formal educational workshops like: 1 minute pitch about the participants’ journey as young adults, the principles of non-formal education, a competence model for young adults and creating educational methodologies for youth.
Our first Multiplier event in Slovakia happened on the 28th of May. During DospeLOST – festival of young adults, we presented the outputs of our project to young people and youth workers. Also, we connected with many students who gave us feedback on our work. We must admit it was a huge success!
If you got curious with our multiplier events, don’t worry, there is still an opportunity for you to participate. Are you a youth worker, an education provider or a youth leader? Do you live in Austria or Portugal? Would you like to meet the people behind this project and learn about the construction process in depth?

In September 2022, we carried out two in-person multiplier events. One on the 16th at WIENXTRA Stadtbox in Vienna, Austria. The other on the 24th at Estádio Dr. Magalhães Pessoa in Leiria, Portugal.
In these events, participants from both countries had the opportunity to network, exchange good practices and build their capacities in the adulting process as educational providers or youth leaders.
For those who weren’t near any of the countries where the multiplier event happened, we delivered a webinar with the same goals for youth workers, educational providers and youth leaders worldwide.
AdultLife is about sharing information in a joyful, youthful way, so we spread more about this methodology on our international webinar. Our participants experienced the presentation of the results and outcomes of our AdultLife project – podcasts, videos, websites, survival manual and even more.
Furthermore, we also provided participants with a toolkit for youth workers and educators with practical recommendations on how to use these resources in their work with young people.