The survival planner is a personal organizer designed to be portable. You can take it everywhere you go! It contains calendars, templates, useful contacts, important national dates regarding adult life (for example taxes), holidays, budgets, health appointments, etc. You only need to take a pen into your hand, and your adult life full of appointments can start.

For many teachers and youth workers, the transition into adulthood was long ago, and since then, most of the information has changed. Nowadays, websites where young people can find information are boring, inaccurate, and useless. Educators should help them in this journey.
Most of the resources available in AdultLife focus on information. Still, with the help of educators, we can bring in an element of competence-building that goes beyond information, consisting of upskilling and change of attitudes preparing young people for the perks of being an adult.
Join our MOOC and discover that transition to adult life is not only about information but also about skills and attitudes.
Would you like to help your youngsters and support their transition to adult life? Check out our Educational kit full of methods based on non-formal education! Step by step, you can open up this difficult topic in your classroom and make learning fun, interesting and informative for your youngsters!